Saturday, July 25, 2020

Welcome to Missouri

Almost 700 miles and 10 hours later, we are in Missouri!

It was a bridge crossing so the kids would have been off the hook anyway.

Toll Road

It says a lot about the day when the 25 miles of toll road was one of the exciting parts...

Getting the ticket:

Paying the $3.50 at the toll booth.

Car Picnic

It was the best option so we could keep rolling.

Welcome to Kansas!

Goodbye to Colorado for a few days...

Welcome to Kansas!

No, we did not stop at the sign. It’s not that kind of trip. There were cheers from the back seat as we sped by!

Ready to roll!

It feels like we just did this...

It’s packed a bit different. Will send a photo of the wood piece between the girls when we arrive in PA and open it!

On the road again!

2020 has been a strange year is so many ways. The immediate strangeness for us is that we are taking a second road trip! We decided to drive to Pennsylvania for a surprise visit to Jim's parents to celebrate his mother's 75th birthday. It's a road trip by definition, but not necessarily the typical Maule Family Adventure. We will drive 1800 miles in 2.5 days, sticking to the interstate and traveling 700-800 miles for two days, arriving mid-afternoon on the third day. It will be a first for the girls as they have never done the sort of road trip that most people do when they are trying to get from point A to point B. While we were planning this trip, Ali figured out this one was different. We were preparing them for long days in the car with much less scenery than usual and she asked "Does that mean we don't have to stop for state signs?" Probably not this time....

I'm not sure how many Wacky Wild and Weird stops there will be or crazy adventures to blog about, but we will share the fun as we go. As always, thanks for traveling with us, and we will see you on the road!